The Mountain Goats The Mountain Goats - Idylls Of The King

This place with its old plantations
These roads leading out to the sea
This day full of promise and potential
More clay pigeons for you and me
All of them all of them
All of them all of them
All of them all of them all of them all of them
All lined up

Huge crows loitering by the curb
Our shared paths unraveling behind us like ribbons
And I dreamed of vultures
In the trees around our house
And cicadas and locusts
And the shrieking of innumerable gibbons
All of them all of them
All of them all of them
All of them all of them all of them all of them
All lined up

How long will we ride this way about?
How long 'til someone caves under the pressure?
My dreams are haunted by armies armies of ghosts
Faces too blurry to make out
Numbers far too high to measure
Your face like a vision straight out of Holly Hobby
Late light drizzling through your hair
Your eyes twin volcanoes
Bad ideas dancing around in there
All all of them all of them
All of them all of them
All of them all of them all of them all of them
All lined up